I was on a stool in high heels when I met this guy
He asked me if I needed help with my bag and my love life
I of course said "Yes please, and while you're at it
Could you hold my head up high?"
And he just said "Alright"
'Cause he's a real
He just loves to give he just loves it
He's a pleaser
He just loves to give he just loves it
I brought him home to see my room and maybe clean it up
And when he was done he cooked me a meal and he gave me a back rub
We talked all night and he satisfied me
And that's what surprised me 'cause usually one equals forty
But that is not the case with Mr.
He just loves to give he just loves it
He will please ya
He just loves to give he just loves it
I don't ask for a lot
But there is one thing I want
And he's a real pleaser
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